Presenter Application Women’s Motorcycle Conference
Welcome! We are so excited that you want to join us as a presenter at a Women’s Motorcycle Conference. This is a partnership: we’ll be promoting you and we expect that you’ll be promoting your participation in the conference.
Answering the questions on this form will help us build our schedule as well as create social media excitement for your workshop. We’ll be contacting you after we receive your application with more details and next steps if your presentation fits our event objectives. Please send any pictures, presentations, or “handouts” you would like featured with your presentation to and include “Conference Assets” in the subject line.
Presentations should be professional quality, well-rehearsed, and 30-35 minutes in length followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A. Each presentation session runs for 50 minutes. Here’s a complete guide to being a presenter: Download File
Each conference we receive many more applications than we have slots for presentations, so please know that filling out an application isn’t necessarily a guarantee that your application will be accepted. We may also ask you to present at a future conference for which we feel your topic may be a better match.
Thank you for your support of lady riders – globally!!! ~Alisa
* Required